
Primary Concerns of Managing India Relocation 02.28.2019 | Laura Levenson

Now more than ever, India, as one of the world’s emerging markets, is poised to become a leading source and recipient of the skilled talent needed to meet the demands of global business growth. India offers a unique combination of advantages for companies seeking to diversify their workforce and expand their international footprint.

Moreover, recent economic and administrative reforms have paved the way to increased mobility in and out of India. As the world’s second most populous country with the ninth largest economy, India is also a highly complex society with vastly different regions, facing challenges for adequately supporting and sustaining the stellar pace of growth it is currently experiencing.

Several months ago, our Advisory Services team embarked on a research project to uncover workforce mobility practices in India. Our goal: to help organizations successfully navigate the colorful and complex world of India Mobility and find new ways to engage, develop and retain top talent.

We engaged workforce mobility leaders around the world through a comprehensive survey, discussions and interviews with clients as well as several of our distinguished regional service partners. We then augmented our research with valuable on-the-ground perspectives from five cities in four different states in India.

During a recent webinar, I shared preliminary results from our research with corporate guests. During the program, we ran a live poll, and I was not at all surprised to see the results validate something I learned from the research; specifically, what program managers responsible for India mobility consider their top priorities:

As a side note, attendees were allowed to choose more than one answer, and the results show they may have struggled to pick just one.

Our research also revealed some unique challenges for regional program managers compared to global program managers, as well as a significant gap between the priorities of mobility managers versus the priorities of the mobile workforce they managed.

For example, when asked about the company’s top goals for India-related relocation, beyond streamlining of processes, close to half consider consistency in program delivery, effective recruiting and reducing costs to be the top goals, whether it’s movement inbound to India or outbound from India.

With the quest to find suitable talent becoming increasingly difficult, it’s vital that as mobility professionals we increase our knowledge of markets such as India, and the challenges and opportunities to implement solutions to fill global talent gaps.

For more information on our research and survey results, please stay tuned.

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Written by Laura Levenson


Laura Levenson is a Practice Leader in Weichert Workforce Mobility’s Advisory Services group. She has worked in management capacities for workforce mobility and Big Four firms, and is well-versed in bringing clarity to the most pressing global talent deployment challenges. She brings over 25 years of experience to her role and is a frequent speaker on the mobility conference circuit.

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