It is common for mobility professionals to come from a Human Resources, Procurement, or Tax background, or to be experts in either domestic or international mobility with limited exposure to the other.
Rest assured – most mobility experts started out the same way, as there are no university degrees in relocation! We are here to help, to be your guide and provide you with our version of Relocation 101 to get you started with the basics and fundamentals of the relocation world.
So where to begin?
First up, the best place to start your relocation education is to be aware of the key players involved within the process including their roles and responsibilities. Knowing who is in involved at the various stages of the relocation process, and understanding what you are responsible for, and what you can expect from your relocation management company and service providers, will help you more effectively manage your mobility program.
Second, ensure you are familiar with the standard domestic and international mobility benefits in our industry. Reviewing your own mobility policies through the lens of what is typical in our industry, will provide you with a good understanding of whether your program is competitive, and ensure your mobile employees have a great relocation experience!
Make sure to check out our version of Relocation 101, our Fundamentals of Relocation whitepaper. Simply put, this is your guide to the mobility world, the essentials that bring our industry to life, and gives you the information you need to manage a successful relocation program and help you thrive in your career!