
Speakers Lounge @ India Global Mobility Summit: India Domestic Mobility Trends 11.7.2019 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

Our thought leaders are always on top of the latest industry trends and use their subject matter expertise throughout our fast paced and growing industry. From speaking at conferences, to hosting roundtables, to contributing to industry publications, our colleagues are frequently called upon around the globe to contribute and help shape conversations around industry hot topics. And we want to share our knowledge with you, in an effort to propel mobility together!

In this post, we highlight two roundtables coming up at Worldwide ERC’s India Summit, November 13, 2019. Our Client Service Directors, Bonnie Tuen and Helen Pereira will each be hosting a roundtable where they will discuss the latest trends within the world of mobility in India.

Their discussions will use the results of our ground-breaking 2019 India research paper, Propelling India Mobility as a starting point for discussions and will explore the top challenges mobility professionals are facing in managing domestic India moves, outbound moves, employee retention, compensation packages, family concerns and much more.

The roundtable format allows participants to shape the conversation, facilitating idea and solutions exchange, and delivering best practices conversations.  Some of the hot topics on the table for discussion already include: India emerging as a technology hub; cultural differences (West India vs. Asia); and are air quality, home finding, schooling, and security still the top concerns for assignees?

Be sure to join Bonnie and Helen at their interactive roundtables during Worldwide ERC’s India Global Mobility Summit, on Wednesday, November 13 from 2:00 – 3:30 titled, Global Mobility and India.

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Written by Morgan E. Wiedmann


Morgan Wiedmann is the Content Specialist in Weichert’s Marketing group. Leveraging over six years of experience in writing and marketing, she develops content for the company’s website and social media channels as well as for client and colleague communications. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Journalism from Suffolk University in Boston. Morgan serves as an active member of Worldwide ERC’s YP40 committee and has been named a Marketing Champion by Salesforce.

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