
Our Wish for Pride Month 06.6.2021 | Dave Bencivengo

At Weichert Workforce Mobility, we believe in OPEN DOORS AND OPEN MINDS, one of the five core Beliefs that make up our culture.

This Belief promises an environment where colleagues are free and encouraged to be themselves, express themselves and share their dreams, goals and unique perspectives without judgment. In that spirit, we embrace Pride Month as an expression of creating a safe place for LGBTQ+ persons, and as a time for reflection.

We also believe in EACH OTHER, an acknowledgement that the things that make each of us different make us stronger. To remain a top RMC in our industry, we must continue to leverage everyone’s talents to foster an inspired, innovative and collaborative culture where our leaders and colleagues are truly authentic and excited to offer the best of who they are.

Beyond our walls, we strive to make the world safer for LGBTQ+ persons within the mobile workforce. This includes helping companies build more inclusive programs and minimize their LGBTQ+ employees’ exposure to regions of the world where laws make same-sex partnerships illegal and prevent transgendered people from leading their daily lives.

Our wish for Pride Month — and every month — is that all companies will embrace a diverse and inclusive workforce, which not only creates the deepest talent pool and the broadest spectrum of ideas, but also drives the success that comes from collaboration between so many different people.

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Written by Dave Bencivengo

Dave is President of Weichert Workforce Mobility. He has over 30 years of leadership experience in every facet of relocation and global mobility, from operations to business development, and has been with Weichert for close to two decades. Dave is the architect of our Trusted Partner program, and under his watch, our company has achieved new benchmarks in client and customer satisfaction, as well as client retention. In addition to our mobility practice, Dave also oversees Allegiance, our government relocation affiliate, and Weichert Corporate Housing.

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