
Renewed Focus on Global Domestic Mobility 10.24.2021 | Laura Levenson

global domestic mobility

Migration has proven to be an integral and necessary part of our globalized economy, though its face has looked different in every region, country, and city, as well as to each family.

Until COVID-19 brought it all to a grinding halt.

With the pandemic still proving a great obstacle to international relocation and the opportunity to move people from wherever to anywhere, global mobility departments across nearly every industry are now redirecting their efforts domestically to find the right talent and fit.

Not too long ago, in 2015 to be precise, we noticed that domestic activity was increasing — not just in the US, UK and Canada, but also in other large countries. We began conducting a survey of policies and practices to get our arms around this trend and, since then, we’ve seen consistent and sustained growth in our client base in Brazil, China, Germany, India and Mexico.

The pandemic has spurred greater interest in this sort of data. Through the past year, our Advisory and Client Service teams has been flooded not only with questions regarding best practices but also requests for assistance reflecting the need for a formal set of guidelines to administer domestic moves outside the US, UK and Canada, where the relocation industry has historically seen the most domestic activity.

Today, based on steadily increasing global domestic growth, there is a clear business case for companies to build out policies that can address country- and city-specific circumstances while maintaining alignment with their global mobility principles, ensuring practical service models delivered in a locally relevant manner.

Our Survey findings reflect the impact of the current global talent shortage and accompanying competition for talent, and changes in the support provided in 2015 compared with today validate the need to provide employees greater incentives to relocate. For example, in lieu of cash, more companies provide support as “benefits in kind” such as rental assistance, meals and lodging in temporary living. The survey revealed more flexibility in the form of core/flex components to cover costs of anything from childcare to eldercare for accompanying dependents, or spouse/partner career assistance.

From rental practices to cost of living to school selection, our research covers a wide range of practical tips and important things to know about domestic policies and practices as well as the five countries to watch for continued growth in relocation activity.

We’ll be reviewing these survey results in greater detail in an upcoming webinar on December 1, 2021. You can register for this program here.

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Written by Laura Levenson


Laura Levenson is a Practice Leader in Weichert Workforce Mobility’s Advisory Services group. She has worked in management capacities for workforce mobility and Big Four firms, and is well-versed in bringing clarity to the most pressing global talent deployment challenges. She brings over 25 years of experience to her role and is a frequent speaker on the mobility conference circuit.

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