
Survey: Trends and Best Practices for Relocating Interns 02.28.2022 | Jennifer Connell

interns relocation

Amidst the tightened restrictions and safety concerns of the pandemic, global and domestic intern programs took a hit. Some companies canceled their programs altogether, some were postponed and some, like many of us, went virtual.

Now, two years later, as we slowly push COVID-19 to our rearview mirrors, intern programs are making a comeback, with many companies pivoting back to in-person internships. And that’s excellent news, because intern programs are launchpads for young talent, helping future leaders gain the skills, experience and cultural immersion necessary to compete in today’s global market.

And the business case for intern programs has never been stronger. When structured properly, these programs can be a powerful tool to feed your talent pipeline, fill critical resource gaps and bring you closer to diversity and inclusion objectives.

But how, exactly, should intern programs and policies be structured? After all, a lot has changed in the past two years, and the old way of doing things may not cut it amid the ever-intensifying war for talent and the shifting expectations of today’s workforce.

That’s one of the main questions we asked when we partnered with Weichert Corporate Housing to conduct a survey to glean insight to how other organizations are curating the modern intern experience. Other questions we sought to define:

  • How are organizations leveraging interns as part of their workforce strategy?
  • What is the role of mobility in intern programs?
  • How are companies overcoming the challenge of housing their interns?

You’ll find some of the data we uncovered in the infographic below. And take heed of this top tip from our Advisory team: investing in the intern experience is the best way to appeal to a diverse scope of young talent, increase conversions, and maximize your talent acquisition strategies. This includes providing meaningful work for interns, clearly mapping out career opportunities, and prioritizing a comfortable work and living environment.

Issues like tightening housing supply, increased competition for talent, pandemic-influenced safety concerns, and a renewed focus upon DE&I initiatives are inevitably shifting how companies house their interns and structure their global intern programs. Could these changes potentially create more consistency across the board?

Remember that re-structuring your intern program will only deliver a strong ROI if it remains in alignment with your company’s future needs and vision. If you’re teaching your interns how to ride a bike when you’re scheduled to transition to unicycles, then you’re not setting your future workforce up for success. You’ll struggle to place this talent into a position upon program completion or risk losing them to a competitor who is prepared to equip them with relevant skills.

Keen for more insight on how to structure intern programs to deliver Winning Outcomes in 2022? Talk to us!

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Written by Jennifer Connell


Jennifer Connell, SCRP, SGMS-T, is Vice President of Weichert’s Advisory Services group. She has over 25 years of experience in the workforce mobility and employee benefits industries and is a recipient of Worldwide ERC’s Distinguished Service Award. She has spoken on workforce mobility topics at industry conferences throughout North America and written for mobility- and HR-themed blogs and magazines worldwide.

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