
A Decade of Dominance as Service Experience Leaders! 07.27.2023 | Tim McCarney

We did it!

It is with uncontainable delight and pride that we at Weichert Workforce Mobility share our achievement of a DECADE of DOMINANCE as the industry leaders in service excellence!

The results of the most recent annual Trippel Annual Nationwide Relocating Employee Survey revealed that for the tenth consecutive year, we outranked our largest competitors, earning the highest net satisfaction rating from the toughest critics: employees on the move. This incredible achievement is an authentic validation of the many ways our front-line staff continues to make work happen every day – even as big changes impact our clients, their employees, and our company.

Conducted by Trippel Survey and Research, LLC, this is the mobility industry’s most comprehensive and trusted third-party survey, providing unbiased rankings of the quality of relocation services based on direct feedback from mobile employees. The results allow HR and corporate professionals who manage mobile talent to accurately assess the employee experience, which is the single most important metric impacting recruitment and retention.

We are honored by this recognition, which marks a Decade of Dominance for Weichert, confirming that when it comes to making the inherently complex process of relocation feel seamless and achievable to relocating employees, no one does it better or with greater consistency than our colleagues. We’re proud of our positive role in helping clients develop, retain and unleash their mobile talent amid some challenging shifts to the world of work.
Dave Bencivengo President of Weichert Workforce Mobility
What does this mean to our clients?

For our clients, these accolades translate to confidence in our ability to keep their talent happy. This means they’re settled faster, more productive, and more likely to stay with the company. A great relocation experience also leads to more cheerleaders for their relocation program. And this speaks volumes in a climate where the competition for top talent is stiff and employees are more reluctant to move.

Beyond that, these results also build confidence in our clients’ decision to choose Weichert! A decade-long track record of unparalleled service excellence is the kind of validation that they can bring to their senior leadership. It says we are aligned with partners who will help us unleash the potential of our greatest asset: our people.

What does this mean for us?

Last year was a milestone year for Weichert Workforce Mobility; we unveiled a bold new brand image and message, and we launched our game-changing technology platform; a project that was many years in the making.

And since the launch of Weichert Go, we’ve successfully merged technology and service excellence to deliver an unmatched, legendary experience for clients and their mobile talent.

Go empowers our clients with robust, customizable reporting and dashboard capabilities, giving managers a holistic view of their entire program and mobile population so that they can predict costs, spot trends, and deploy talent quickly and confidently. Go delivers a similarly legendary experience for mobile employees, replacing time-wasting tasks with self-service tools that empower them to initiate services, select suppliers, schedule appointments, and manage documentation— all from a native mobile app.

While the evolution of our technology supplements and enhances the mobility experience, these survey results reconfirm that the faster relocation technology evolves, the more important the humans behind it become. The how, why, and where of work is changing at a blistering pace, and clients want an adaptable, responsive relocation partner focused on equipping them with the tools and support to ensure that their employees are in control, but never alone.

As many of our clients and prospects shift their focus to perfecting the employee experience – particularly amid challenges in recruiting and retaining top talent – the achievement of a Decade of Dominance in service excellence will serve as one of our strongest differentiators, distinguishing Weichert’s relentless focus upon knowledge, connection, responsiveness, and problem-solving.

With the how, why and where of work changing at a blistering pace, the fact that we have continued to earn the industry’s highest Net Satisfaction ratings from mobile employees—who can be the toughest critics of the relocation process—day after day, year after year for an entire decade, is the ultimate testament to our ability to adapt, innovate, and make work happen for our clients and their mobile talent.
Mark Bennett Executive Vice President

Congratulations again to our counselors and every person across our organization who has helped cultivate a people-first culture that wins awards, wins business, and – most notably –wins the hearts of the people we serve. The passion that our colleagues bring to their roles is palpable, and it helps to forge the strong connections that lead to great experiences.

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Written by Tim McCarney

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Tim is Weichert’s Vice President of Marketing, responsible for keeping our brand strong and crafting our brand’s story. Outside of the office, he can often be found worrying about the Boston Red Sox.

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