
Service That Makes a Difference 02.17.2015 | Tim McCarney

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We’re never ones to brag. In fact, we prefer to use this space to discuss our latest research findings or some other piece of info that will make managing your relocation program easier. But when our colleagues make us proud, we can’t help but talk about it.

The past 12 months have represented a period of tremendous growth for Weichert Workforce Mobility, as we made great strides toward our long-term vision of delivering a holistic, end-to-end mobility solution through vertical alignment of the supply chain, launching in-house title and closing, household goods and relocation tax services to maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Weichert achieved a higher “Willingness to Recommend” rating than our industry’s largest companies.

What makes this period of innovation and growth so remarkable is that throughout it, we attained some of the highest customer service marks in our company’s history—not only on our own internal client and transferee evaluations, but on several well-respected industry surveys. We are proud to direct your attention to some key metrics:

  • Weichert earned more “best in class” ratings than any other relocation management company in the 13th Annual Relocation Managers Survey, a survey of corporate mobility managers conducted by Trippel Research & Survey and widely considered the most credible assessment of the caliber of service delivered by relocation management companies.
  • In that same survey, Weichert achieved a higher “Willingness to Recommend” rating than our industry’s largest companies.
  • In the Annual Nationwide Survey of Relocating Employees, also conducted by Trippel Research, Weichert earned the highest service satisfaction rating among the industry’s five largest suppliers, as well as several small- and mid-sized companies.
  • Weichert was named 2014 Relocation Management Company of the Year for the Americas region at the 2014 EMMA Awards. Presented by the Forum for Expatriate Management, the EMMAs celebrate excellence in global workforce mobility.
  • Weichert is the only company to have ranked in the top three in the RMC of the Year category of the EMMAs for all regions — Americas, APAC and EMEA — for two consecutive years.

For evidence that these metrics are meaningful, we point to our recent client retention rates. In 2014, we earned a 98% client retention rate while 85% of clients whose contracts were expiring renewed or extended their partnerships with us without going to bid. We consider these unusually high rates the best indicators that we are “getting the job done right” and that once clients experience our service, they stay with us.

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Written by Tim McCarney

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Tim is Weichert’s Vice President of Marketing, responsible for keeping our brand strong and crafting our brand’s story. Outside of the office, he can often be found worrying about the Boston Red Sox.

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