
Speakers Lounge @ CERC: Designing an Exceptional Employee Experience 09.13.2019 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

Our thought leaders are always on top of the latest industry trends and use their subject matter expertise throughout our fast paced and growing industry. From speaking at conferences, to hosting roundtables, to contributing to industry publications, our colleagues are frequently called upon around the globe to contribute and help shape conversations around industry hot topics. And we want to share our knowledge with you, in an effort to propel mobility together!

In this post, Ellie Sullivan, SVP from our Advisory Services group discusses the importance of the employee experience, especially within your mobile workforce. Ellie will be hosting an innovative workshop on this topic during the upcoming CERC Future-Proofing Mobility Conference on Tuesday, September 17th from 10:45am-12:15pm alongside, Dario Kosarac, CPP Investment Board.

Designing an Exceptional Employee Experience

As a global mobility professional, thinking about the end of your employee’s assignment may not be top of mind but this workshop will explore how crucial it is to create an exceptional employee experience through the repatriation process.

Often, both mobility professionals and mobile employees (and families) can seriously under-estimate the impact of repatriation emotionally, socially, professionally, financially, and even physically! Something as simple as leaving a your temporary home of several years in a beautiful location with gorgeous sunshine, to repatriate in the middle of a Canadian or Northern U.S. winter can really make the transition home a challenging one.

The interactive CERC workshop will explore the challenges of repatriation from the perspective of the relocating employee. Participants will have the opportunity to map out their employee repatriation journey and identify areas of potential concern where additional career, family, or emotional support could help repatriating employees and families. By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of how to best improve their own mobility programs around repatriation.

In addition to ensuring that the mobile employee and family get settled back into their new location seamlessly, repatriation is the perfect time to solicit critical feedback first hand from your employee who just experienced an assignment. This is your source of information to help you shape and improve your global mobility process to enhance the mobility experience and result in better ROI.

By the end of Ellie’s workshop, participants will receive eye-opening insights into the repatriation process and have new ways to think about how you too can create an exceptional employee experience for your employee’s full journey with your company.

To hear more from Ellie on how you can create the ultimate employee experience in your global mobility planning, be sure to attend her innovative workshop during CERC’s Future-Proofing Mobility Conference, on Tuesday, September 17 from 10:45-12:15pm titled, Designing an Exceptional Employee Experience. Not attending CERC? Stay tuned to this blog, where we will recap some of the highlights of Ellie’s session after the conference.

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Written by Morgan E. Wiedmann


Morgan Wiedmann is the Content Specialist in Weichert’s Marketing group. Leveraging over six years of experience in writing and marketing, she develops content for the company’s website and social media channels as well as for client and colleague communications. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Journalism from Suffolk University in Boston. Morgan serves as an active member of Worldwide ERC’s YP40 committee and has been named a Marketing Champion by Salesforce.

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