
Mobility Rising: How Firsthand Experiences Led to a Career in Global Mobility 07.7.2020 | Eve Espindola

Mobility Rising

Each month, in our Mobility Rising series, we are showcasing our future talent leaders across the globe, as they share their passion for mobility, how they thrive in their careers, and how they drive our industry forward!

Over a decade before I learned that global mobility was an industry, I experienced it firsthand.

In 2004, I decided to move abroad and signed up for a one-year program in the US. My initial excitement about this new adventure quickly evaporated as I got a crash course in global mobility. I suddenly had to navigate a very complex immigration system. I had to negotiate dates and coordinate communication and services with multiple providers. I was making serious decisions that would forever impact my future, without the benefit of a knowledgeable expert.

The experience of an expat is a rollercoaster of emotions.

It is not just about taking on a new job; it is taking on a new culture, different lifestyle, learning to communicate in a new way, discovering new comfort foods. All while trying to maintain a connection with your roots, whether it is family, friends, relationships, music, etc.

At the age of 20, I was learning to adapt and enjoy the (sometimes painful) process of change.

Then global mobility found me!

I discovered this fascinating industry and the great community of amazing professionals truly by accident – just like 90% of the mobility professionals I have met along my journey. My personal experience of multiple immigration processes (from requesting my first visa to naturalization), several US-domestic relocations (from Pennsylvania to Washington, DC, then Texas, and finally California), a handful of short-term assignments, not to mention handling taxes in two different countries, seemed like the perfect fit for the industry.

In 2016, I accepted a job on the corporate side. I was part of the newly formed global mobility team that was tasked with building a scalable program for the Americas and aligning it at the global level with Asia and Europe. I tapped heavily into my personal experiences as I partnered with teams across very different cultures (Brazilian, Japanese, and Dutch), and juggled different time zones.

Working as a Workforce Mobility Counselor now, I can once again clearly see how my personal mobility experiences combined with my corporate experience has given me a unique understanding of clients’ challenges, enabling me to add value to the process, and anticipate situations with the employees.  But without a doubt, the best part is the ability to offer a sympathetic – and understanding – ear to relocating families!

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Written by Eve Espindola

Eve Espindola, MBA, GMS, is a Workforce Mobility Counselor in our Newport Beach, CA office. She brings experience working on the corporate side of mobility and also personal experience living in Brazil and moving to the US. Eve has earned her Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designation from Worldwide ERC and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Southern California Relocation Council (SCRC).

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