
Our Big Tech Transformation: Weichert’s Jump from Industry Innovator to Digital Vanguard 07.19.2024 | Shawn Sweeney

For over 50 years, Weichert Workforce Mobility has set the bar for excellence in talent relocation, working with top global brands and Fortune 100 companies. While our service was always top-notch, we realized a few years ago that to keep up with the changing needs of our clients and mobile employees, we needed to rethink our tech.

Like many relocation management companies (RMCs), we used an off-the-shelf mobility management platform. It wasn’t terrible, but it had its limitations: minimal customization, tough integration with other HR systems, and frequent updates that could cause downtime.

Our goal was to revolutionize mobility technology, boosting productivity, enhancing user experience, and improving engagement with all stakeholders. We envisioned a system that didn’t yet exist, so true to our innovative spirit, we set out to create it.

Embracing Digital Transformation

We spent two years researching, analyzing platforms both in and out of our industry, conducting client and employee surveys to identify pain points, and gathering insights from key stakeholders. This included not just IT experts but also front-line counselors who understand the relocation process deeply. We identified functions to automate, speeding up relocations and freeing counselors to offer personal support.

Above all, we envisioned delivering clients and mobile employees an unmatched user experience that reflected their unique journeys–what we called, “Mobility Your Way.”

This was more than just a system upgrade—it was a complete digital transformation that would change how we serve customers, manage our business, and operate daily.

With a clear strategy, we secured support from senior leadership and Weichert’s owners. Our financial stability allowed us to invest heavily in this transformation. We chose Salesforce as the foundation for our new tech solution, Weichert Go, because of its top-tier CRM capabilities and enterprise software power.

A Technological Leap Forward

Choosing Salesforce was a leap into unparalleled efficiency and innovation.

Salesforce’s low-code platform, seamless app integration, and strong customer support enabled our in-house experts to build solutions quickly, bringing innovations to our clients faster than ever. Some of the exciting features of Weichert Go include:

  • Interactive Dashboards: Providing real-time insights for budgeting, policy upgrades, and more, our dashboards offer rich visuals and deep analytics to help clients spot trends and drive results. We’re also beta testing dashboards for home sales, household goods status, and exceptions.
  • SmartSpend Dashboard: This budgeting tool offers a comprehensive view of program spend, allowing clients to filter by policy and drill down to the benefit level for financial clarity.
  • Satisfaction Survey Dashboard: Offering real-time metrics on mobile employee satisfaction, this dashboard helps clients find program cheerleaders and spot red flags.
  • GoFlex: An interactive tool for managing core/flex programs with robust analytics for tracking and forecasting.
  • Knowledge Base: A dynamic library of guides, videos, and tools to help users navigate Go confidently.
  • Supplier API Suite: Connecting directly with supplier systems, this suite streamlines orders, status updates, payments, and reporting, ensuring transparency and clarity.
  • Data-Driven AI: Go’s AI, powered by Einstein Copilot, leverages ChatGPT within Salesforce to provide potent mobility insights and recommendations based on extensive data from thousands of relocations and our policy library.
The Journey So Far & Industry Reaction

Building a cutting-edge tech platform is ambitious. Leading a digital revolution that impacts every part of our organization is daunting, but we’re thrilled to announce that three years post-launch, Weichert Go has been a spectacular success.

Go’s automation of pivotal processes has liberated our service teams, granting them additional bandwidth for in-depth consultations with our clients and mobile workforce. The transition period was marked by negligible downtime, and it’s noteworthy that our service teams maintained stellar client satisfaction scores throughout, as evidenced by our earning the industry’s highest net satisfaction score in Trippel’s Annual Nationwide Relocating Employee Survey for the past ten years.

Additionally, Weichert Go has been cited by 85% of our new client acquisitions since 2021 as a decisive factor in their selection of Weichert, underscoring its influence.

The industry at large has acknowledged Weichert Go as the groundbreaking force we envisioned. In the year of Go’s launch, Trippel’s Annual Relocation Manager’s Survey: Global Mobility Administration revealed that our platform’s “net satisfaction” rating among corporate managers outpaced the industry norm by 10%. The latest 2024 survey data indicates that our technology’s net satisfaction score has catapulted well beyond the industry average (64% vs 17%) and moved a remarkable 46 percentage points ahead of our nearest competitor.

While there’s still a journey ahead, we’re excited about the continued evolution and future advancements of Weichert Go. As our EVP of Technology, Stewart McCardle, MBA, CRP, GMS-T , explains:

By building on Salesforce, Weichert not only elevated its technological stature but also redefined how companies use data to unleash their mobile talent in the digital era. Other RMCs are merely keeping pace; we are setting the pace.
Stewart McCardle EVP Technology, Weichert Workforce Mobility

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Written by Shawn Sweeney

As Vice President of Technology Solutions, Shawn plays a key role in strengthening Weichert’s technology value proposition and accelerating new product/platform development. Serving as a liaison between clients and Weichert’s IT group, he helps to refine and advance the user experience, providing clients with the insight they need to get the most out of Weichert’s continuously evolving technology tools, and ensuring that these tools continue to reflect the voice of the customer.

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