
What’s New in Go? 08.16.2024 | Shawn Sweeney

Leading a digital transformation across your organization can seem overwhelming, especially when it involves employees, clients, consumers, and service partners. However, we’re excited to announce that three years after its launch and migration, Weichert Go has far exceeded expectations, delivering process efficiencies and experience enhancements that are truly setting new industry standards.

And this is just the beginning. Our team continues to work hard to unveil new features and improvements that make mobility management more manageable and strategic.Here are the latest Weichert Go enhancements designed to elevate the user experience and set new benchmarks in mobility technology:

SmartSpend Dashboard

Dashboards are at the data-centric heart of Weichert Go, providing real-time insights to fuel everything from budgeting to policy upgrades. With rich visuals and deep analytics, our clients don’t just have data but the full story behind it, helping to drive tangible business results – fast! Following the release of our home sale, household goods, and exception dashboards, we’re thrilled to unveil the latest game-changing offering: the SmartSpend Dashboard. This powerful mobility budgeting tool provides a comprehensive view of your total program spend and the ability to look at trends through multiple lenses:

  • Employee expenses: View submitted employee expenses based on policy.
  • Supply chain: Discover how we are using your program funds through a supply chain perspective, such as HHG, temporary living, DSP, etc.
  • Weichert fees: This not only shows your spend, but the percentage breakdown of that spend.

These capabilities are even being leveraged by our teams, who are capturing year-over-year trends through the SmartSpend Dashboard to offer program recommendations and drive policy changes for clients.

The filters within each dashboard really allow our clients to get up close and personal with their data, drilling down by month, status, class, move, phase, policy, division, or billing entity. It’s helping them capture the full story of their program and present the ROI to stakeholders in vivid high-def detail!
Satisfaction Survey Dashboard

The dashboards just keep on coming (and that’s a great thing). We know that mobile employee feedback is the key indicator of program success, and recognizing this, our clients wanted anytime access to this critical metric, particularly when making changes to their program or processes. The Satisfaction Survey Dashboard provides a real-time snapshot of the mobile employee experience, enabling clients to view, analyze, and interpret satisfaction levels at every stage. This helps identify program cheerleaders and spot red flags, ensuring your program continues to thrive.

Knowledge Base

To help Weichert Go users navigate the system with expert-level confidence, we’ve developed the Knowledge Base—a dynamic, frequently updated library of printable guides, cheat sheets, on-demand videos, and live training sessions. Most recently, we’ve launched a series of live virtual sessions available exclusively through the Knowledge Base for Weichert Go users. These sessions cover various topics and allow you to interact with our knowledgeable hosts in real time, offering practical insights that you can immediately apply.

Cost Estimator

Arm yourself with the data you need to make the best informed decisions about every relocation. Go now offers three tiers of instant cost estimators, from free to subscription-based, to suit every possible need and help you deploy your mobile talent (and manage your budget) with increased confidence.

We’ve only just scratched the surface. We’ve got a lot of ideas about how we can better connect with you and provide different ways to service and provide you with information that we’ve never been able to deliver in the past. We’re really excited about the future and where this technology is going to take our clients!
Stewart McCardle, SVP Technology

So, what’s next on the horizon? We’re working with Einstein Copilot, a robust and adaptable AI assistant, to leverage the vast data and metadata stored within the Go ecosystem. This will enable us to generate customized benchmarking and AI-powered recommendations for our clients, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mobility management. While there’s still a journey ahead, our comprehensive development roadmap ensures the continued evolution and future advancements of Weichert Go. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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Written by Shawn Sweeney

As Vice President of Technology Solutions, Shawn plays a key role in strengthening Weichert’s technology value proposition and accelerating new product/platform development. Serving as a liaison between clients and Weichert’s IT group, he helps to refine and advance the user experience, providing clients with the insight they need to get the most out of Weichert’s continuously evolving technology tools, and ensuring that these tools continue to reflect the voice of the customer.

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